Applications (6)
Classics (17)
Critical Fallibilism (2)
Debate (13)
Favorites (8)
Grammar (3)
News (4)
Research (75)
- Organized Writing Based on a Tree
- Treating Ideas Badly
- Rationality Is Counter-Intuitive
- Write How You Speak
- A Succession of Practice Activities
- What Nodes Go In Debate Trees? And Other Debate Tree Questions
- Learning Many Small Skills Instead of Getting Stuck
- To Make Unbounded Progress, Do Similar Activities to Past Successes
- Arguing Without Discussing Opposing Arguments
- Substantive Learning Processes
- Science Needs Rational Debate
- Objective Judgment, Chess Competition and How Science Is Failing
- Procrastination
- Purpose of Thinking; Positive and Negative Arguments; Clear Goals
- Academic Literature for Multi-Factor Decision Making
- Taking Personal Responsibility for Debating Your Ideas
- Debate, Rejection, Priorities and Endless Meta Levels
- Checking Citations from David Thorstad
- Postmortems Help Address Causes of Errors
- Ignoring “Small” Errors
- Rationality Policies
- Engaging with Long Articles
- My Experience with My Debate Policy
- Fallibilism, Bias, and the Rule of Law
- Grammar as Functions
- Attention to Detail
- Being Open to Debate (and Judging Intellectuals)
- Uncertainty and Binary Epistemology
- Evolution and Epistemology
- Similarity and Contextual Conversion Between Dimensions
- Learning With and Without Two-Way Communication with Others
- Positively Presenting Ideas and Negatively Arguing about Ideas
- Debate, Criticism, Argument Strengths and Intuitions
- Weighty Arguments or Decisive Arguments
- Kialo and Indecisive Arguments
- People Use Weighted Factors
- Optimize Limiting Factors
- Accumulating Progress
- Proper Knowledge
- Rational Confidence and Standards for Knowledge
- Demand For Intellectual Discussion
- How To Build Knowledge Skyscrapers
- Complex World
- Brainstorming Advice
- Learning Critical Fallibilism
- Error Correction Math and Types
- Judging and Fixing Your Own Errors
- Ideas Should Be Judged as Refuted or Non-Refuted
- Epistemology, Scheduling, Bias and Iteration
- Regular Arguments
- Learning with Sub-Parts
- Flexible, Organized Knowledge
- Digital vs. Analog Thinking
- Artificial General Intelligence Speculations
- Learning, Habits and Automation
- Progress Despite Emotions and Bias; Mastery of Sentences
- Weighted Error Rates
- Organizing Rational Discussion
- Introspection, Overreaching and Emotions
- Critical Fallibilism, Evolution and Digital Error Correction
- Fallibilism and Problem Solving with Meta Levels
- Yes or No Philosophy and Score Systems
- Bounds, Hurdles and Progress
- Critical Fallibilism and Critical Rationalism Bullet Points
- Critical Rationalism Overview
- Introduction to Reason
- Challenging Paths Forward Questions
- Paths Forward to Correct Errors
- Evolution Summary
- Yes or No Philosophy
- Integrating Conceptual Units and Combining Dimensions
- Brandolini’s Law
- Most Factors Aren’t Borderline
- Breakpoints, Categories and Margins of Error
- Chat about Decision Making Math
Shorts (27)
Skills (9)